DUF: Declarative Ugly Forms  v0.1-94-g0b7957c
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Class Form
Both field value preprocessor and postprocessor must be methods of single class, because they must match together.
Member Form::getFormTokenExtras ()
Add some secret and session-specific token to make it really hard to guess.
Member Form::renderField ($template_engine, $group_id, $field_id, $renderer)
Refactor renderWidget since fields are not ordinary widgets.
Class Input
Suffix & prefix for a field – simply wrap input in <label> with specific class to make it part of the field and prepend/append some string in span. For example units, currency, ...
Member Input::renderFieldWidget (::Form $form, $template_engine, $widget_conf, $group_id, $field_id, $field_conf)
Little hack to get false when unchecked checkbox is submitted.
Member Input::renderFieldWidget (::Form $form, $template_engine, $widget_conf, $group_id, $field_id, $field_conf)
This should not be here
Class Reference
Suffix & prefix for a field – simply wrap input in <label> with specific class to make it part of the field and prepend/append some string in span. For example units, currency, ...
Member Reference::renderFieldWidget (::Form $form, $template_engine, $widget_conf, $group_id, $field_id, $field_conf)
Does not work for compound keys
Class SelectionCheckbox
Unfinished. What to do with __selected key?
Class Smalldb
Some caching would be nice.
Member Smalldb::updateFieldGroup (&$group_config, $context)

Shouldn't we use toolbox?

Optimize this.

Add permission check to actions

Class Toolbox

Update docs.

Check class interfaces.