DUF: Declarative Ugly Forms  v0.1-94-g0b7957c
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DUF: Declarative Ugly Forms Documentation

DUF is a library for creating HTML5 forms and views. Everything in DUF is designed to be declarative, so it is easy to connect your forms and views with visual editor, store them in database or generate them from model metadata.


Data Flow

There are two possible scenarios (see figure below):

  1. Form is displayed for the first time (green arrow).
  2. Form has been submitted (red arrow).

The preprocessData() and postprocessData() methods are inverse functions converting data between internal representation and form values. So the Defaults and the Values are of the same structure.

Data flow during form processing
Please note that isSubmitted() does not mean that form data are valid. And also isValid() does not mean that form has been submitted. It is possible to get submitted form with invalid data as well as non-submitted form with valid data (for example filtering form).

Form definition

Form definition contains set of fields and layout in which are these fields arranged. Fields are specified in groups, where each group should represent one entity. Form layout and field groups are completely unrelated.

Field group may be generated from field source (see IFieldSource). If field group have field_source option specified, given field source will be asked to generate fields section of the field group configuration. Field sources are defined in the Toolbox.

Both layouts and fields are of given type. When field or layout is used specification of its type is looked up in a toolbox (see next section).

The fields can contain scalar value, array or object. To display the field the list of named renderers is used. In typical simple case there are two renderers per field – one for label and other for input. The layout uses these renderes to render coresponding field. Name of the renderer can be used by layout to place it at right place (i.e. labels are often placed in predefined position). Order of the renderers is usualy preserved by layout.

Form anatomy

Fields in a form are not objects. They are represented only by configuration and the form iterates over this configuration during validation and rendering. This way it is easier to put various renderers and validators together. Also there is no overhead with per-field object instantiation.

If there is complex hierarchy of field types in your application, the toolbox configuration should be pre-generated from more elegant configuration files. The configuration used by DUF is designed for effective form processing, not to be user-friendly. Users (programmers) are expected to use specialized generators to create field description from model metadata and visual editors to draw forms.


When the form needs to render something or process some data, it asks the Toolbox to do it. But toolbox is lazy and only looks into its configuration and returns requested helper. So the toolbox is a service locator object. It is similar to proxy, but Toolbox does not invoke anything, only returns callables.


The most of the code is published under Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details.

Contribution guidelines

There is no bug tracker yet, so send me an e-mail and we will figure it out.

If you wish to send me a patch, please create a Git pull request or send a Git formatted patch via email.